the Bible
ما هي اهم اعياد العهد القديم ورموزها في العهد الجديد؟
ما هي اهم اعياد العهد القديم ورموزها في العهد الجديد ؟
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الرد على أحمد ديدات
أكاذيب_ديدات (4): رامبو RAMBO في الكتاب المقدس؟! شاهد مستوى إستيعاب أسد الدعوة الشيح أحمد ديدات!
أكاذيب_ديدات (4): رامبو RAMBO في الكتاب المقدس؟! شاهد مستوى إستيعاب أسد الدعوة الشيح أحمد ديدات! [gview file=”” save=”0″] للتحميل مقدمة:…
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Does Jesus want us to love ourself first or others? MATTHEW 22:39
MATTHEW 22:39—Does Jesus want us to love ourself first or others? PROBLEM: Jesus says in Matthew that we are…
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Who came to talk with Jesus, the mother of James and John or James and John? MATTHEW 20:20 (cf. Mark 10:35)
MATTHEW 20:20 (cf. Mark 10:35)—Who came to talk with Jesus, the mother of James and John or James and John?…
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Are rewards the same for all, or do they differ in degree? MATTHEW 20:1ff
MATTHEW 20:1ff—Are rewards the same for all, or do they differ in degree? PROBLEM: Jesus told a parable of His…
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Is Peter the rock on which the church is built? MATTHEW 16:18
MATTHEW 16:18—Is Peter the rock on which the church is built? PROBLEM: Roman Catholics use this passage to support their…
أكمل القراءة » Why does the Bible commend the Magi for following the star, when it condemns astrology? MATTHEW 2:2
MATTHEW 2:2—Why does the Bible commend the Magi for following the star, when it condemns astrology? PROBLEM: The Bible condemns…
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GENESIS 1:26—Why does the Bible use the plural “us” when God refers to Himself?
GENESIS 1:26—Why does the Bible use the plural “us” when God refers to Himself? PROBLEM: Orthodox Christian and Jewish scholars…
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