The Antiquity Of Man According To The Bible And According To Science
The Antiquity Of Man According To The Bible And According To Science. One of the questions that is greatly puzzling…
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لماذا يختبئ الله ولا يتكلم معي؟ James Bishop
لماذا يختبئ الله ولا يتكلم معي؟ James Bishop يطرح الناس هذا السؤال لان الله لم يظهر لهم بالطريقة التي تناسب فكرهم…
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الكون والتطور والله والخلق، هل يتعارض العلم حقاً مع الإيمان بوجود خالق؟
الكون والتطور والله والخلق، هل يتعارض العلم حقاً مع الإيمان بوجود خالق؟
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GENESIS 1:1—How can the universe have a “beginning” when modern science says energy is eternal?
GENESIS 1:1—How can the universe have a “beginning” when modern science says energy is eternal? PROBLEM: According to the First Law of…
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Questions About Science And Evolution | NORMAN L. GEISLER and RONALD M. BROOKS
Questions About Science And Evolution Two men were walking through the forest and happened across a glass ball lying on…
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