الرد على أحمد ديدات
أكاذيب_ديدات (4): رامبو RAMBO في الكتاب المقدس؟! شاهد مستوى إستيعاب أسد الدعوة الشيح أحمد ديدات!
أكاذيب_ديدات (4): رامبو RAMBO في الكتاب المقدس؟! شاهد مستوى إستيعاب أسد الدعوة الشيح أحمد ديدات! [gview file=”http://www.difa3iat.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/004.pdf” save=”0″] للتحميل مقدمة:…
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Did Jesus heal the blind man coming into or going out of Jericho? MATTHEW 20:29–34 (cf. Mark 10:46–52; Luke 18:35–43)
MATTHEW 20:29–34 (cf. Mark 10:46–52; Luke 18:35–43)—Did Jesus heal the blind man coming into or going out of Jericho? PROBLEM:…
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Are rewards the same for all, or do they differ in degree? MATTHEW 20:1ff
MATTHEW 20:1ff—Are rewards the same for all, or do they differ in degree? PROBLEM: Jesus told a parable of His…
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I can find prophecies in the Bible that point to Muhammad just as easily as you can find prophecies that point to Jesus..
I can find prophecies in the Bible that point to Muhammad just as easily as you can find prophecies that…
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If Jesus is the Jewish Messiah, why don’t more Jews believe in him? | Brown, M. L
If Jesus is the Jewish Messiah, why don’t more Jews believe in him? Actually, there are tens of thousands of…
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