الكلمة (Logos) كما جاء في الإنجيل للقديس يوحنا – القمص عبد المسيح بسيط
الكلمة (Logos) كما جاء في الإنجيل للقديس يوحنا - القمص عبد المسيح بسيط
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لماذا يختبئ الله ولا يتكلم معي؟ James Bishop
لماذا يختبئ الله ولا يتكلم معي؟ James Bishop يطرح الناس هذا السؤال لان الله لم يظهر لهم بالطريقة التي تناسب فكرهم…
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To whom did Christ appear first, the women or His disciples? MATTHEW 28:9
MATTHEW 28:9—To whom did Christ appear first, the women or His disciples? PROBLEM: Both Matthew and Mark list women as…
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Did Jesus make a mistake in referring to Zechariah the son of Jehoiada rather than to Zechariah the son of Berechiah? MATTHEW 23:34–35
MATTHEW 23:34–35—Did Jesus make a mistake in referring to Zechariah the son of Jehoiada rather than to Zechariah the son…
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Why did Jesus call people fools and yet condemn others for doing the same thing? MATTHEW 23:17
MATTHEW 23:17—Why did Jesus call people fools and yet condemn others for doing the same thing? PROBLEM: Jesus said, “whoever…
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