اللوجوس عند فيلو الفيلسوف اليهودي – القمص عبد المسيح بسيط
اللوجوس عند فيلو الفيلسوف اليهودي - القمص عبد المسيح بسيط
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I can find prophecies in the Bible that point to Muhammad just as easily as you can find prophecies that point to Jesus..
I can find prophecies in the Bible that point to Muhammad just as easily as you can find prophecies that…
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Isaiah 53 contains the words of the repentant kings of the nations rather than the words of the Jewish people.
Isaiah 53 contains the words of the repentant kings of the nations rather than the words of the Jewish people.…
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If you want to know what Isaiah 53 is talking about, just read Isaiah 52 and 54. The context is the return of the Jewish people from Babylonian exile, 550 years before Jesus.
If you want to know what Isaiah 53 is talking about, just read Isaiah 52 and 54. The context is…
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ANSWERING JEWISH OBJECTIONS to JESUS : What would happen to a Nazi murderer who believed in Jesus before he died? Would he go to heaven, while the Jewish God-fearing people, would go to hell
What would happen to a Nazi murderer who believed in Jesus before he died? Would he go to heaven, while…
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If Jesus is the Jewish Messiah, why don’t more Jews believe in him?
If Jesus is the Jewish Messiah, why don’t more Jews believe in him? Actually, there are tens of thousands of…
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If Jesus is the Jewish Messiah, why don’t more Jews believe in him? | Brown, M. L
If Jesus is the Jewish Messiah, why don’t more Jews believe in him? Actually, there are tens of thousands of…
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