Why does the Bible commend the Magi for following the star, when it condemns astrology? MATTHEW 2:2
MATTHEW 2:2—Why does the Bible commend the Magi for following the star, when it condemns astrology? PROBLEM: The Bible condemns…
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The only true prophecy about Jesus in the Hebrew Scriptures is found in Zechariah 13:1–6—a passage dealing with false prophets. It even makes explicit reference to his crucifixion!
The only true prophecy about Jesus in the Hebrew Scriptures is found in Zechariah 13:1–6—a passage dealing with false prophets.…
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You claim that Haggai 2 points to the fact that the Messiah had to come before the Second Temple was destroyed, since it says in verse 9 that the glory of the Second Temple would be greater than the glory of Solomon’s Temple. Actually, Haggai is speaking about only the physical splendor of the Second Temple, which surpassed Solomon’s Temple in the days of Herod.
You claim that Haggai 2 points to the fact that the Messiah had to come before the Second Temple was…
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Psalm 110 does not say the Messiah is Lord.
Psalm 110 does not say the Messiah is Lord
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Psalm 22 is the story of David’s past suffering. There is nothing prophetic about it.
Psalm 22 is the story of David’s past suffering. There is nothing prophetic about it. Actually, Psalm 22 is the…
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Isaiah 53 cannot refer to Jesus because it says the servant of the Lord would see seed
Isaiah 53 cannot refer to Jesus because it says the servant of the Lord would see seed, an expression always…
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Isaiah 53 cannot refer to Jesus because it says the servant of the Lord would not lift up his voice or cry out, yet Jesus cried out several times on the cross, once in near blasphemy (Psalm 22:1).
Isaiah 53 cannot refer to Jesus because it says the servant of the Lord would not lift up his voice…
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Isaiah 53 cannot refer to Jesus because it says the servant of the Lord did no violence..
Isaiah 53 cannot refer to Jesus because it says the servant of the Lord did no violence, yet Jesus drove…
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Isaiah 53 cannot refer to Jesus because it says the servant of the Lord was sickly and died of disease.
Isaiah 53 cannot refer to Jesus because it says the servant of the Lord was sickly and died of disease.…
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Isaiah 53 cannot refer to Jesus because it says no one was interested in the servant of the Lord
Isaiah 53 cannot refer to Jesus because it says no one was interested in the servant of the Lord or…
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