Are believers the light of the world, or is Jesus? MATTHEW 5:14
MATTHEW 5:14—Are believers the light of the world, or is Jesus? PROBLEM: In this passage, Jesus said to His disciples,…
أكمل القراءة »Why does Matthew incorrectly quote Isaiah? MATTHEW 4:14–16
MATTHEW 4:14–16—Why does Matthew incorrectly quote Isaiah? PROBLEM: Matthew does not seem to quote Isaiah 9:1–2 accurately. Rather, he seems…
أكمل القراءة »Is there a mistake in recording the wilderness temptation of Christ by Matthew or Luke? MATTHEW 4:5–10 – cf. Luke 4:5–12
Is there a mistake in recording the wilderness temptation of Christ by Matthew or Luke? MATTHEW 4:5–10 - cf. Luke…
أكمل القراءة »Why does the Bible commend the Magi for following the star, when it condemns astrology? MATTHEW 2:2
MATTHEW 2:2—Why does the Bible commend the Magi for following the star, when it condemns astrology? PROBLEM: The Bible condemns…
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Isaiah 7:14 does not prophesy a virgin birth! And it has nothing whatsoever to do with Jesus, since it dealt with a crisis seven hundred years before he was born.
Isaiah 7:14 does not prophesy a virgin birth! And it has nothing whatsoever to do with Jesus, since it dealt…
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If Jesus is really the Messiah, and if he is so important, why doesn’t the Torah speak of him at all?
If Jesus is really the Messiah, and if he is so important, why doesn’t the Torah speak of him at…
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If Jesus is the Jewish Messiah, why don’t more Jews believe in him? | Brown, M. L
If Jesus is the Jewish Messiah, why don’t more Jews believe in him? Actually, there are tens of thousands of…
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Were Adam and Eve saved? When God clothed them with animal skins after the Fall, did He also teach them about blood sacrifice and the atonement? Was Adam a high priest for his family?
Were Adam and Eve saved? When God clothed them with animal skins after the Fall, did He also teach them…
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