Does Mathematics Point to God? William Lane Craig vs Daniel Came. Apologetics
Does Mathematics Point to God? William Lane Craig vs Daniel Came. Apologetics
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Did Christ come to earth immediately following the Tribulation or sometime later? MATTHEW 24:29
MATTHEW 24:29—Did Christ come to earth immediately following the Tribulation or sometime later? PROBLEM: In Matthew, Jesus represents His coming…
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Why did Jesus call people fools and yet condemn others for doing the same thing? MATTHEW 23:17
MATTHEW 23:17—Why did Jesus call people fools and yet condemn others for doing the same thing? PROBLEM: Jesus said, “whoever…
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Does Jesus want us to love ourself first or others? MATTHEW 22:39
MATTHEW 22:39—Does Jesus want us to love ourself first or others? PROBLEM: Jesus says in Matthew that we are…
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Are rewards the same for all, or do they differ in degree? MATTHEW 20:1ff
MATTHEW 20:1ff—Are rewards the same for all, or do they differ in degree? PROBLEM: Jesus told a parable of His…
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Is Peter the rock on which the church is built? MATTHEW 16:18
MATTHEW 16:18—Is Peter the rock on which the church is built? PROBLEM: Roman Catholics use this passage to support their…
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How can God’s sovereign and peaceful kingdom be entered by force? MATTHEW 11:12
MATTHEW 11:12—How can God’s sovereign and peaceful kingdom be entered by force? PROBLEM: Paul declared that the kingdom (rule) of…
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