مكتبة المسيحية
القديس ابيفانيوس صائد الهرطقات
القديس ابيفانيوس صائد الهرطقات كتاب القديس ابيفانيوس صائد الهرطقات للقمص اثناسيوس فهمي جورج للتحميل اضغط هنا
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Ancient Israel in Egypt and the Exodus
Ancient Israel in Egypt and the Exodus Ancient Israel in Egypt and the Exodus Click Here To Download
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The rabbis only applied Isaiah 52:13–15, not 53:1–12, to the Messiah son of David.
The rabbis only applied Isaiah 52:13–15, not 53:1–12, to the Messiah son of David. Absolutely not. In fact, an Orthodox…
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Isaiah 53 speaks of the people of Israel, not Jesus (or any Messiah).
Isaiah 53 speaks of the people of Israel, not Jesus (or any Messiah). It is impossible, both contextually and logically,…
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If you want to know what Isaiah 53 is talking about, just read Isaiah 52 and 54. The context is the return of the Jewish people from Babylonian exile, 550 years before Jesus.
If you want to know what Isaiah 53 is talking about, just read Isaiah 52 and 54. The context is…
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Isaiah 7:14 does not prophesy a virgin birth! And it has nothing whatsoever to do with Jesus, since it dealt with a crisis seven hundred years before he was born.
Isaiah 7:14 does not prophesy a virgin birth! And it has nothing whatsoever to do with Jesus, since it dealt…
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Isaiah 9:6 does not speak of a divine king (or Messiah).
Isaiah 9:6 does not speak of a divine king (or Messiah).
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من صنع الله : ماذا كان يصنع الله قبل خلق العالم ؟
من صنع الله : ماذا كان يصنع الله قبل خلق العالم ؟ ماذا كان يصنع الله قبل خلقة العالم …
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Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus | Vol. 4 New Testament Objections | Michael L. Brown
Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus | Vol. 4 New Testament Objections | Michael L. Brown Answering Jewish Objections to…
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Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus | Vol. 3 Messianic Prophecy Objections | Michael L. Brown
Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus | Vol. 3 Messianic Prophecy Objections | Michael L. Brown Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus…
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