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قانونية انجيل متى – وتواتر اسم كاتبه في الكنيسة – جورج ناصر

قانونية انجيل متى – وتواتر اسم كاتبه في الكنيسة – جورج ناصر

قانونية انجيل متى – وتواتر اسم كاتبه في الكنيسة

احصائيات مخطوطية عن اسم كاتب انجيل متى في المخطوطات

وفقًا لـ(INTF) Institut für neutestamentliche Textforschung، يوجد حاليًا 1173 مخطوطة لإنجيل متى تم تحديدها وفهرستها.[1]


الحقيقة الوحيدة التي لا ينكرها باحث هو ان اسم الكاتب لم يتغير طوال تاريخ انتقال انجيل متى.

عناوين الأناجيل

المخطوطات اليونانية الأقدم


الإنجيل بحسب متى

بردية 4

القرن الثاني

الإنجيل بحسب متى

بردية 62

القرن الثاني

بحسب متى


القرن الرابع

بحسب متى


القرن الرابع

الإنجيل بحسب متى .مجزأة.


القرن الرابع-الخامس

الإنجيل بحسب متى


القرن الخامس

الإنجيل بحسب متى


القرن الخامس

الإنجيل بحسب متى .النهاية.


القرن الخامس



الآباء وانجيل متى



يحتل إنجيل حسب متى مكانة بارزة في الأدب المسيحي الأولي، كما يتضح من الاقتباسات والمراجع المكثفة الموجودة في كتابات آباء الكنيسة والمصادر القديمة المختلفة. في هذا المقال، سنستكشف أهمية متى في الفترة الآبائية وتأثيرها الواسع في التقاليد المختلفة، بالإضافة إلى تقديم اقتباسات ومراجع مميزة من علماء الدراسات.


١. الانتشار الواسع لمتى في الفترة الآبائية:


٢. التأثير على آباء الكنيسة المختلفين[5]:


٣. الاقتباسات الملحوظة من آباء الكنيسة:

Church Father

Number of Citations in Writings









Clement of Alexandria








Cyril of Alexandria





قانونية انجيل متى – وتواتر اسم كاتبه في الكنيسة


٤. أهمية متى في كتابات آباء الكنيسة:



نظرة ثاقبة في الكتابات المسيحية المبكرة وانجيل متى

أولا: اباء الكنيسة:

كليمندس الروماني (96-98 م)




بابياس تلميذ يوحنا (95-110 م)


إغناطيوس (حوالي 100-117 م)


رسالة برنابا (حوالي 70-130 م)


الرسالة إلى ديوغنيتوس (حوالي 130-200 م)


بوليكاربوس (حوالي 150 م)


يوستينوس الشهيد (حوالي 138-165 م)




2 كليمندس (120-140 م)


أجزاء من كليمندس وجدت في طبعة أكسفورد


راعي هرماس (حوالي 115-155 م)


كلوديوس أبوليناريس من هيرابوليس (160-177 / 180 م)


ثاوفيلوس الأنطاكي (161-181/188م)


كايوس والقانون الموراتوري (حوالي 170-200 م)


أثيناغوراس (176-177 م)


إيريناوس (كتب 182-188 م)


أبولونيوس من أفسس (حوالي 210 م)


كليمندس الإسكندري (193-217/220م)


ترتليان (198-220 م)


ثيودوتوس المونتاني المحتمل (حوالي 240 م)


هيبوليتوس (222-235 / 6 م)

ثيوغنوستوس السكندري من كتبه السبعة في المفصلات Hypotyposes



يوليوس أفريكانوس (232-245 م)


أوريجانوس (225-254 م)


نوفاتيان (250-257 م)


أطروحة ضد نوفاتيان (254-256 م)


رسالة في إعادة المعمودية (254-257م)


كبريانوس القرطاجي (حوالي 246-258 م)


موسى وآخرون إلى كبريانوس (الرسالة 25) (250-251 م)


من كرنيليوس إلى كبريانوس (الرسائل 45، 47) (246-256 م)


فيرميليان إلى كبريانوس (الرسالة 74) (256 م)


مجمع قرطاج السابع (258م)


غريغوريوس ثوماتورجوس (240-265 م)


ديونيسيوس الإسكندري (246-265 م)


أناتوليوس الإسكندري (270-280 م)


أدامانتيوس (حوالي 300 م)


فيكتورينوس من بيتاو في النمسا (استشهد 304 م)


بطرس السكندري (285-311 م)


ميثوديوس (270-311 / 312 م)


أثناسيوس قبل نيقية (318 م)


لاكتانتيوس (حوالي 303-320 / 325 م)


ألكسندروس السكندري (313-326 م)


 غريغوريوس ثوماتورجوس المنحول في اثنا عشر حوارا عن الإيمان


أرنوبيوس ضد الوثنيين الكتاب الأول

القوانين الكنسية للرسل القديسين


كبريانوس المنحول عن مجد الاستشهاد

ترتليان المنحول ضد كل الهرطقات


مقتطفات عن الرها من تاريخ الكنيسة

الرسالة الثانية للبابا بونتيانوس

الرسالة الثانية للبابا فابيان


ميليتو الفيلسوف


العظة الثانية لغريغوريوس ثوماتورجوس


الرسالة الثانية للبابا كاليستوس

رسالة البابا أوربان الأول

جزء من عمل لبيريوس عن رسالة بولس الأولى إلى أهل كورنثوس

بوليقراط أفسس

رسالة كنيستي فيينا ولوغدونوم

شظايا كليمندس من الترجمة اللاتينية لكاسيودوروس

شظايا ديونيسيوس الموجودة الجزء الأول

مراسيم الرسل القديسين الكتاب الثاني

مراسيم الرسل القديسين الكتاب السابع

البابا أنتيروس الرسالة


قانونية انجيل متى – وتواتر اسم كاتبه في الكنيسة


ثانيا: كتب الابوكريفا وانجيل متى:


إنجيل الطفولة ليعقوب

تاريخ يوسف النجار

إنجيل ميلاد مريم

إنجيل متى المنحول

الإنجيل العربي لطفولة المخلص

وصايا الآباء الاثني عشر

أعمال أرخيلاوس للنزاع مع الهرطقة مانيس

إنجيل نيقوديموس الأول أعمال بيلاطس

كلمة ووحي إسدراس

إنجيل نيقوديموس الثاني نزول المسيح إلى الجحيم

مقتطفات من ثيودوتوس

أعمال واستشهاد الرسول المقدس أندراوس

العظة الكليمندية الثامنة

العظة الكليمندية الخامسة عشر

رؤيا بولس


استشهاد الرسول المقدس المجيد برثلماوس


رسالة زفيرينوس الثانية


رسالة ثيوناس إلى لوسيانوس

أعمال أندراوس ومتياس

من رحلات فيلبس الرسول

خطبة ميثوديوس بشأن سمعان وحنة

إضافة إلى أعمال فيليب


أعمال الرسول توما

قصة يوسف

وفاة مريم اللاتينية 2

قانونية انجيل متى – وتواتر اسم كاتبه في الكنيسة



ثالثا المجامع:

Council/ Synod


Canon/ Session


Council of Laodicea

363 AD

Canon 60

Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Second Series, vol. 14, ed. Philip Schaff and Henry Wace, 320

Council of Hippo

393 AD

Canon 36

Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, First Series, vol. 3, ed. Philip Schaff, 220

Council of Carthage

397 AD

Canon 24

Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, First Series, vol. 3, ed. Philip Schaff, 228

Council of Chalcedon

451 AD

Session 2

Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Second Series, vol. 14, ed. Philip Schaff and Henry Wace, 167

Council of Orange

529 AD

Canon 2

Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Second Series, vol. 14, ed. Philip Schaff and Henry Wace, 231

Council of Toledo

589 AD

Canon 2

Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Second Series, vol. 13, ed. Philip Schaff and Henry Wace, 307

Council of Rome

743 AD

Canon 2

Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Second Series, vol. 14, ed. Philip Schaff and Henry Wace, 663

Council of Constantinople

754 AD

Canon 1

Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Second Series, vol. 14, ed. Philip Schaff and Henry Wace, 663

Council of Aachen

816 AD

Canon 2

Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Second Series, vol. 14, ed. Philip Schaff and Henry Wace, 697

Council of Mainz

847 AD

Canon 1

Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Second Series, vol. 14, ed. Philip Schaff and Henry Wace, 719

Council of Tribur

895 AD

Canon 1

Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Second Series, vol. 14, ed. Philip Schaff and Henry Wace, 745

Council of Florence

1442 AD

Session 11

Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Second Series, vol. 14, ed. Philip Schaff and Henry Wace, 267

Council of Trent

1546 AD

Session 4

The Council of Trent, ed. J. Waterworth, 17

Synod of Jerusalem

1672 AD

Confession of Faith, Article 1

The Orthodox Christian Theology, vol. 2, ed. G. Florovsky, 91

Synod of Jassy

1642 AD

Confession of Faith, Article 1

The Orthodox Christian Theology, vol. 2, ed. G. Florovsky, 67

Synod of Diamper

1599 AD

Canon 1

The Synod of Diamper, ed. G. Menachery, 47



رابعا : الهراطقة:



Gospel of Matthew References



Christ as Savior for spiritual men only, division between spiritual and animal men

Gospel of Matthew for spiritual men, Gospel of Luke for animal men

Irenaeus, Against Heresies, Book 3, Chapter 11


Denial of Son’s co-eternity and same substance with the Father, Son as a creature

Quotes (Matthew 28:19)

Athanasius, Against the Arians, Book 1, Chapter 3

Paul of Samosata

Denial of Son’s divinity, exaltation of his human nature, claim of being raised to divine honors

Quotes ” (Matthew 1:23)

Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, Book 7, Chapter 27


Denial of Mary’s virginity and the superiority of celibacy

Quotes (Matthew 19:12)

Jerome, Against Jovinianus, Book 1, Chapter 19


Denial of the virgin birth, belief in Joseph as the father of Jesus

Quotes (Matthew 1:23)

Irenaeus, Against Heresies, Book 1, Chapter 26


Belief in two gods, denial of Christ’s true humanity

Quotes (Matthew 19:17)

Epiphanius, Panarion, Book 66, Chapter 3


Denial of Christ’s divinity, belief in his adoption by God at his baptism

Quotes (Matthew 3:17)

Hilary of Poitiers, On the Trinity, Book 9, Chapter 10


Denial of Son’s full divinity, interpretation of selected verses to support their views

Quotes (Matthew 26:39)

Athanasius, Against the Arians 1.3



ملحق 1 : الإباء وانجيل متى( جدول 1-2)

Church Father

Time Period

References/Quotations from Matthew

Clement of Rome

96-98 A.D.

1 Clement ch. 46 (Matthew 18:6; Mark 9:42)



Didache (Teaching) – Various references to Matthew 5


95-110 A.D.

Fragment 6 from Eusebius’ Ecclesiastical History (References to Matthew, the “oracles of the Lord” written by Matthew)


c. 100-117 A.D.

Epistle to the Smyrnaeans ch. 1 (Matthew 3:15); Epistle to the Romans ch. 6 (Matthew 16:26); Epistle to the Ephesians ch. 5 (Matthew 18:19); Epistle to the Smyrnaeans ch. 6 (Partial quote of Matthew 19:12)

Epistle of Barnabas

c. 70-130 A.D.

Epistle of Barnabas – Various references to Matthew 22:14, 5:42, 9:13b, 20:16b, 22:43-45

Epistle to Diognetus

c. 130-200 A.D.

Letter to Diognetus ch. 9 (Reference to Matthew 6:25); Letter to Diognetus ch. 8 (Allusion to Matthew 19:17)


c. 150 A.D.

Letter of Polycarp to the Philippians ch. 2 (Matthew 7:1); Letter of Polycarp to the Philippians ch. 7 (Partial quotes of Matthew 6:13a, 26:41b)

Justin Martyr

c. 138-165 A.D.

First Apology of Justin ch. 19 (Partial quote of Matthew 19:26)



Diatessaron – Harmonization of the four Gospels, including Matthew

2 Clement

120-140 A.D.

2 Clement – Quotations, paraphrases, and allusions to Matthew 10:32, 7:21, 5:28, 6:42a, 16:13a, 12:50

Fragments of Clement Found in the Oxford Edition


Fragments of Clement – Quotations of Matthew 11:28

Shepherd of Hermas

c. 115-155 A.D.

Shepherd of Hermas – Quotations and allusions to Matthew 26:24, and references to Matthew 10:39, 13:5, 13:29, 18:3, 18:33, 23:6

Claudius Apollinaris of Hierapolis

160-177/180 A.D.

Mention of Matthew, the Gospels, and the law

Theophilus of Antioch

161-181/188 A.D.

Theophilus to Autolycus book 3 ch. 3 (Reference to Matthew 5:28)

Caius and the Muratorian Canon

c. 170-200 A.D.

Muratorian Canon – References to the Gospels with genealogies, implying Matthew (and Luke)


176-177 A.D.

A Plea for Christians ch. 33 (Quotation of Matthew 19:6)


Wrote 182-188 A.D.

Against Heresies book 3 ch. 16.2 (Quotation of Matthew 1:1)

Apollonius of Ephesus

c. 210 A.D.

Concerning Montanism ch. 4 (Quotations from Matthew 10:9a, 12:33f)

Clement of Alexandria

193-217/220 A.D.

The Stromata book 1 ch. 21 (Mention of Matthew’s genealogy); The Stromata book 4 ch. 22 (Quotations of Matthew 5:48); The Stromata book 6 ch. 12 (Quotations of Matthew 13:47,48); The Stromata book 5 ch. 3 (Quotation of Matthew 7:7)


198-220 A.D.

Against Marcion book 4 ch. 34 (Paraphrase of Matthew 5:32); Against Praxeas ch. 1 (Reference to Matthew)

Theodotus the probable Montanist

c. 240 A.D.

References and quotations from Matthew 7:33,32; 7:27; and 12:44


222-235/6 A.D.

Quotations and references to Matthew 7:21 and 21:31

Theognostus of Alexandria


Reference to Matthew 12:31



References to all books of the New Testament except Philemon, II John, and III John

Julius Africanus

232-245 A.D.

Mention of “the Evangelist Matthew” and “Luke” in comparing genealogies


225-254 A.D.

Mentions of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and quotations from Matthew 18:1 and others


250-257 A.D.

Quotations and references to various passages from Matthew 10:29f, 10:30, 10:33, and others

Cyprian of Carthage

c. 246-258 A.D.

Quotations, references, and mentions of various passages from Matthew, including 5:43-45, 5:23-24, 15:13, and others

Moyses et al to Cyprian (Letter 25)

250-251 A.D.

Quotation of Matthew 10:37-38 as “our Lord, as with the trumpet of His Gospel”

Cornelius to Cyprian (Letters 45,47)

246-256 A.D.

Quotations and references to Matthew 5:8 and others

Firmilian to Cyprian (Letter 74)

256 A.D.

Quotation of Matthew 16:9f as by Jesus

Seventh Council of Carthage

258 A.D.

Full quotation of Matthew 5:13 by Lucius of Castra Galbae

Gregory Thaumaturgus

240-265 A.D.

Quotation of part of Matthew 15:11 as by the Savior

Dionysius of Alexandria

246-265 A.D.

References and quotations to various passages from Matthew, including 28:1, 28:5, and others



ملحق 2: الإباء وانجيل متى (جدول 2-2)

Church Father

Time Period

References/Quotations from Matthew

Anatolius of Alexandria

270-280 A.D.

The Paschal Canon of Anatolius of Alexandria ch.10 p.149 (Matthew 26:17, 26:38)


c. 300 A.D.

Dialogue on the True Faith First Part “b 5” p.41 (Refers to Matthew as written by the disciples of Christ)

Victorinus of Petau

Martyred in 304 A.D.

Commentary on the Apocalypse of the Blessed John p.348 (Mentions Matthew, Mark, and Luke)

Peter of Alexandria

285-311 A.D.

The Canonical Epistle canon 9 p.273 (Quotes Matthew 10:17)


270-311/312 A.D.

The Banquet of the Ten Virgins book 1 discourse 1 ch.1 p.311 (Quotes Matthew 5:13); Other references to Matthew 5:13, Matthew 11:27


Before Nicea (318 A.D.)

On the Incarnation of the Word ch.56 p.66 (Quotes Matthew 24:42)


c. 303-320/325 A.D.

The Divine Institutes book 4 ch.15 p.116 (Allusions and references to various passages from Matthew); Other references to Matthew 14:22-26, Matthew 5:44, Matthew 7:15, and chapters 14, 19, 21; Quotes Isaiah 7:14 (also Matthew 1:23)

Alexander of Alexandria

313-326 A.D.

Epistles on the Arian Heresy Epistle 1 ch.12 p.295 (Quotes Matthew 11:27)

Pseudo-Gregory Thaumaturgus


Twelve Topics on the Faith – Quotes Matthew 1:20



Fragments – Mentions Matthew 4:5



Against the Heathen Book I – Alludes to Matthew 5:39

The Ecclesiastical Canons of the Holy Apostles


References Matthew 6:24, Matthew 22:21



On the Glory of Martyrdom – Quotes Matthew 10:39



Against All Heresies – Quotes Matthew 3:13, Matthew 27:32

Excerpt on Edessa from the History of the Church


References Matthew 4:24

The Second Epistle of Pope Pontianus


Quotes Matthew 5:8, Matthew 25:40

The Second Epistle of Pope Fabian


Quotes Matthew 5:22, Matthew 5:40



Quotes Matthew 12:33

Melito the Philosopher


References Matthew 15:14

Pseudo-Gregory Thaumaturgus


Second Homily – Quotes Matthew 15:27

The Second Epistle of Pope Callistus


Quotes Matthew 18:18, Matthew 20:28

The Epistle of Pope Urban First


Quotes Matthew 18:18, Matthew 25:40

A Fragment of a Work of Pierius on the First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians


Quotes Matthew 19:12

Polycrates of Ephesus


Fragments – Mentions Matthew 19:12

The Letter of the Churches of Vienna and Lugdunum


References Matthew 22:12

Fragments of Clement from the Latin Translation of Cassiodorus


References Matthew 26:64



Fragments – References Matthew 28:1

Constitutions of the Holy Apostles


References Matthew 28:20

Pope Anterus


The Epistle – References Matthew 23:23



ملحق 3: الابوكريفا وانجيل متى



The Protevangelium of James

  • 1. Matt. 1 To the Lord for a propitiation for me. [4] And Joseph was greatly afraid, and retired from her, and considered what he should do in regard to her. [41].2. Matt. 2:16 When Herod knew that he had been mocked by the Magi, in a rage he sent murderers, saying to them: Slay the children. [52].3. Matt. 2:1 Having been warned by the angel not to go into Judaea, they went into their own country by another road. [51].4. Matt. 2:16 When Herod knew that he had been mocked by the Magi, in a rage he sent murderers, saying to them: Slay the children. [52].5. Matt. 2:19 For it was he who had been warned by the Holy Spirit that he should not see death until he should see the Christ in the flesh. [57]

The History of Joseph the Carpenter

  • Matt. 1:16 He has consumed all that it found! Woe to my feet, which have too often walked in ways displeasing to God! Woe to my body; and woe to my miserable soul, which has already turned aside from God its Maker! What shall I do when I arrive at that place where I must stand before the most righteous Judge, and when He shall call me to account for the works which I have heaped up in my youth? Woe to every man dying in his sins! Assuredly that same dreadful hour, which came upon my father Jacob. [23
  • And three months after her conception the righteous man Joseph returned from the place where he worked at his trade; and when he found my virgin mother pregnant, he was greatly perplexed, and thought of sending her away secretly. [10].
  • And Joseph rose from his sleep, and did as the angel of the Lord had said to him; and Mary abode with him. [12].
  • 4. Matt. 27:56 But Joseph, that pious old man, was warned of this by a dream. Therefore he rose and took Mary my mother, and I lay in her bosom. Salome [15]

The Gospel of the Nativity of Mary

  • 1. Matt. 1:18 Therefore Joseph, according to the command of the angel, took the virgin as his wife; nevertheless he knew her not, but took care of her, and kept her in chastity. [15]

The Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew

  • Matt. 2:1 When they were going to return to King Herod, they were warned by an angel in their sleep not to go back to Herod; and they returned to their own country by another road. [44].
  • Matt. 2:16 But when he could not find them at all, he sent anew to Bethlehem and all its borders, and slew all the male children whom he found of two years old and under, according to the time that he had ascertained from the Magi. [46].
  • Matt. 2:26 After no long time the angel said to Joseph: Return to the land of Judah, for they are dead who sought the child’s life. [56].
  • Matt. 2:1 When they were going to return to King Herod, they were warned by an angel in their sleep not to go back to Herod; and they returned to their own country by another road. [44].
  • 5. Matt. 2:14 The day before this was done Joseph was warned in his sleep by the angel of the Lord, who said to him: Take Mary and the child, and go into Egypt by the way of the desert. And Joseph went according to the saying of the angel. [47]

The Arabic Gospel of the Infancy of the Saviour

  • Matt. 2:1 In the same hour there appeared to them an angel in the form of that star which had before guided them on their journey; and they went away, following the guidance of its light, until they arrived in their own country. [11].
  • Matt. 2:13 Then an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in his sleep, and said: Rise, take the boy and His mother, and go away into Egypt. [12].
  • Matt. 2:15 Here was fulfilled the prophecy which says, Out of Egypt have I called my son. [13].
  • Matt. 2:1 In the same hour there appeared to them an angel in the form of that star which had before guided them on their journey; and they went away, following the guidance of its light, until they arrived in their own country. [11].
  • 5. Matt. 2:13 Then an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in his sleep, and said: Rise, take the boy and His mother, and go away into Egypt. [12]

The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs III

  • Matt. 2:2 In the fullness of days, His star shall arise in heaven. [29].
  • Matt. 27:25 At last, as you suppose, you will slay Him, not understanding His resurrection, wickedly taking upon your own heads the innocent blood. [26].
  • Matt. 27:51 Know that the Lord will execute judgment upon the sons of men; because when the rocks are rent. [5].
  • 4. Matt. 27:63 In perverseness, you will persecute righteous men, and hate the godly; the words of the faithful you will abhor, and the man who renews the law in the power of the Most High you will call a deceiver. [25]

Archelaus Acts of the Disputation with the Heresiarch Manes

  • Matt. 2:13 Our Lord Jesus Christ, after His birth by Mary His mother, was sent off in flight into Egypt through the instrumentality of an angel. [520].
  • Matt. 2:16 At the time of the birth of Jesus, every male among the Jews suddenly perished by reason of the treachery of Herod. [529].
  • Matt. 3:17 Whose was that voice which was sent forth out of heaven, and which gave Him this testimony, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased? ” [611].
  • 4. Matt. 3:17 Just as no other had the capacity sufficient for sustaining the burden of the Paraclete except only the disciples and the blessed Paul, so also no other was able to bear the Spirit who descended from heaven, and through whom that voice of the Father gave its testimony in these terms, “This is my beloved Son.” [636]

Gospel of Nicodemus I The Acts of Pilate

  • Matt. 2:14 Herod heard there was going to be a king and wished to put him to death. For this purpose, he sent and put to death all the infants that were in Bethlehem. Joseph and his mother fled from fear of him into Egypt. [96].
  • Matt. 2:11 The Jews cried out, saying, “We wish Caesar to be king over us, not Jesus, because Jesus received gifts.” [95].
  • Matt. 18:16 The chief priests answered, saying, “Our Scripture says that every word shall be established by two or three witnesses.” [127].
  • Matt. 21:9 Seeing the linen and the napkin, and recognizing him, I said, “Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.” [125].
  • Matt. 27:13 Pilate says to Jesus, “Do you hear what these testify against you, and do you not answer?” [74].
  • Matt. 27:15 Others said, “You are no friend of Caesar’s if you release this man because he called himself Son of God and king. Do you wish this man to be king, and not Caesar?” [30].
  • Matt. 27:15 Pilate asks, “Which of the two do you wish that I release to you?” The people answered, “Release to us Barabbas.” Pilate asks, “What then shall I do with Jesus?” They say, “Let him be crucified.” [92].
  • Matt. 27:19 Pilate’s wife sent to him, saying, “Have nothing to do with this just man, for many things have I suffered on his account this night.” [11].
  • Matt. 27:25 The Jews said, “His blood be upon us, and upon our children.” [98].
  • Matt. 27:60 Nicodemus and I bought myrrh and aloes a hundred pounds, and a new tomb. [114].
  • Matt. 27:62 Pilate gave them five hundred soldiers, who also sat around the sepulcher to guard it, after having put seals upon the stone of the tomb. [119].
  • Matt. 28:1 “Bend down and see the tomb where His body lay. Go and tell His disciples that He is risen from the dead, and let them go into Galilee, for there shall they find Him.” [120].
  • 13. Matt. 28:5 “Come, see the place where the Lord lay: and go quickly, and tell His disciples that He is risen from the dead, and is in Galilee.” [41]

Word and Revelation of Esdras

  • Matt. 2:16 I said to the angels, “Who is this? What is his sin?” They said to me, “This is Herod, who for a time was a king, and ordered to put to death the children from two years old and under.” [20].
  • Matt. 24 God said, “First will I make an earthquake for the fall of four-footed beasts and of men. When you see that brother gives up brother to death, that children shall rise up against their parents, that a woman forsakes her own husband, and that nation shall rise up against nation in war, then will you know that the end is near.” [19].
  • 3. Matt. 27:34 Then God remembered those whom He had made, and said to the prophet, “How can I have mercy upon them? Vinegar and gall did they give me to drink.” [13]

Gospel of Nicodemus II The Descent of Christ into Hell

  • Matt. 3:3 Then there came into the midst another, an ascetic from the desert; and the patriarchs said to him: Who art thou? And he said: I am John, the last of the prophets, who made the paths of the Son of God straight. [3].
  • 2. Matt. 27:34 Satan says: O all-devouring and insatiable Hades, art thou so afraid at hearing of our common enemy? I was not afraid of him, but worked in the Jews, and they crucified him, and gave him also to drink gall with vinegar. [13]

Excerpts of Theodotus

  • 1. Matt. 3:12 As Heraclius says, “His fan is in His hand, to purge His floor: and He will gather the wheat into the garner; but the chaff He will burn with fire unquenchable.” [43]

Acts and Martyrdom of the Holy Apostle Andrew

  • Matt. 3:12 The holy Andrew said: “Listen, O son of death and chaff made ready for eternal burnings.” [15].
  • Matt. 12:19 “For my Lord, when He was betrayed, endured it with all patience; He did not strive, He did not cry out, nor in the streets did anyone hear Him crying out.” [12].
  • 3. Matt. 26:21 “I have power to lay down my life, and I have power to take it again. And, last of all, while He was supping with us, He said” [6]

Clementine Homily VIII

  • 1. Matt. 4 “Thou shall fear the Lord thy God, and Him only shall thou serve.’ [21]

Clementine Homily XV

  • 1. Matt. 5:3 Our teacher pronounced the faithful poor blessed; [29]

Revelation of Paul

  • Matt. 5:5 “This is the land of the meek. Knowest thou not that it is written, Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth?” [21].
  • 2. Matt. 19:29 “Blessed is he who is able to endure trial, because the Lord will give him in requital sevenfold reward in the world to come.” [28]

Martyrdom of the Holy and Glorious Apostle Bartholomew

  • 1. Matt. 5:8 “The true God and man, therefore, hath not given Himself out to be known, except to those who are pure in heart.” [9]

The Second Epistle of Zephyrinus

  • Matt. 5:10 “Yet even persecutions are to be endured patiently, that ye may be known to be His disciples, for whom also ye suffer. Whence, too, he says Himself, “Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake.” [4].
  • 2. Matt. 16:27 “Now we who suffer these things ought to leave them to the judgment of God, who will render to every man according to his works;” [11]

Epistle of Theonas to Lucianus

  • 1. Matt. 5:16 “Yea, like gold reduced in the furnace, it has only been made to shine the more under the storms of persecution, and its truth and grandeur have only become always the more and more illustrious, so that now, peace being granted to the churches by our gracious prince, the works of Christians are shining even in sight of the unbelieving, and God your Father, who is in heaven, is glorified thereby;” [3]

Acts of Andrew and Matthias

  • Matt. 5:18 “Then Jesus said to Andrew: O our Andrew, the heaven and the earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” [35].
  • Matt. 10:10 “For He chose for Himself us twelve, and gave us such a commandment, saying, When you go to preach, do not carry money in the journey, nor bread, nor bag, nor shoes, nor staff, nor two coats.” [6].
  • 3. Matt. 11:29 “And this He taught, saying: Learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart.” [15]

Of the Journeyings of Philip the Apostle

  • Matt. 9:37 “Behold, the supper is ready; and blessed is he who is invited, and is ready to go to Him that has invited him. The harvest of the field is much,” [20].
  • 2. Matt. 22:11 “Behold, my bride chamber is ready; but blessed is he who has been found in it wearing the shining garment:” [19]

Methodius Oration Concerning Simeon and Anna

  • 1. Matt. 11:28 “God Himself invites, and who will stand hesitating with fear? He says: “Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden.” [5]

Addition to Acts of Philip

  • 1. Matt. 5:28 “Knowest thou not, Bartholomew, that the word of our Lord is true life and knowledge? for the Lord said to us in His teaching, Every one who shall look upon a woman, and lust after her in his heart, has completed adultery.” [8]

Acts of the Holy Apostle Thomas

  • 1. Matt. 6:25 “as also in the Gospel it has been said, Take no heed for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor for your body, what ye shall put on: because the life is more than food, and the body than clothing.” [28]

The Narrative of Joseph

  • 1. Matt. 8:11 “And the sons of the kingdom, the children of Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and Moses, shall be cast out into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” [12]

The Passing of Mary Latin II

  • 1. Matt. 27:25 “To this he replied: Do we not believe? But what shall we do? The enemy of the human race has blinded our hearts, and confusion has covered our face, lest we should confess the great things of God, especially when we ourselves uttered maledictions against Christ, shouting: His blood be upon us, and upon our children.” [17]



ملحق 4: تواتر كاتب الانجيل


Church Father



Matt. 1:1


Commentary on John Book I

“For Matthew, writing for the Hebrews who looked for Him who was to come of the line of Abraham and of David, says”

Matt. 1:17

Clement of Alexandria

Stromata Book I

“And in the Gospel according to Matthew, the genealogy which begins with Abraham is continued down to Mary the mother of the Lord. ‘For,’ it is said”

Matt. 1:20


Against Heresies Book III

“Then again Matthew, when speaking of the angel, says, ‘The angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in sleep'”

Matt. 1:23


Treatise XII Three Books of Testimonies Against the Jews

“Also in the Gospel according to Matthew: ‘And ye shall call His name Emmanuel, which is, being interpreted, God with us'”

Matt. 2:1


Treatise XII Three Books of Testimonies Against the Jews

“Also in the Gospel according to Matthew: ‘And when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judah in the days of Herod the king, behold, Magi from the east came'”

Matt. 2:2


Against Heresies Book III

“But Matthew says that the Magi, coming from the east, exclaimed ‘For we have seen His star in the east, and are come to worship Him'”

Matt. 3:7


Commentary on John Book VI

“And we have to observe how, when Matthew reports that there went out to John Jerusalem and all Judaea”

Matt. 3:10


Treatise XII Three Books of Testimonies Against the Jews

“In the Gospel according to Matthew: ‘Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit shall be cut down, and cast into the fire'”

Matt. 3:11


Commentary on John Book VI

“Matthew reports that the Baptist, when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism”

Matt. 3:16


Against Heresies Book III

“And then, [speaking of His] baptism, Matthew says, ‘The heavens were opened, and He saw the Spirit of God, as a dove, coming upon Him'”

Matt. 5:3

Clement of Alexandria

Who is the Rich Man that Shall Be Saved?

“In the same way spiritual poverty is blessed. Wherefore also Matthew added, ‘Blessed are the poor'”

Matt. 5:4


Treatise XII Three Books of Testimonies Against the Jews

“Concerning this same thing in the Gospel according to Matthew: ‘Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted'”

Matt. 5:6


Treatise XII Three Books of Testimonies Against the Jews

“Of this same thing also in the Gospel according to Matthew: ‘Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be satisfied'”

Matt. 5:8


Treatise XII Three Books of Testimonies Against the Jews

“Also in the Gospel according to Matthew: ‘Blessed are they of a pure heart, for they shall see God'”

Matt. 5:19


Treatise XII Three Books of Testimonies Against the Jews

“Also in the Gospel according to Matthew: ‘He who shall do and teach so, shall be called greatest in the kingdom of heaven'”

Matt. 5:23


Treatise XII Three Books of Testimonies Against the Jews

“Of this same thing in the Gospel according to Matthew: ‘If thou wouldest offer thy gift at the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee'”

Matt. 5:32


Against Marcion Book IV

“For in the Gospel of Matthew he says, ‘Whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery'”

Matt. 6:3


Treatise XII Three Books of Testimonies Against the Jews

“In the Gospel according to Matthew: ‘Let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth, that thine alms may be in secret'”

Matt. 7:6


Treatise XII Three Books of Testimonies Against the Jews

“Also in the Gospel according to Matthew: ‘Give not that which is holy to dogs; neither cast ye your pearls before the swine'”

Matt. 7:14


Commentary on Matthew Book XII

“and also that which is written in the Gospel of Matthew thus, ‘For narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth unto life, and few be they that find it'”

Matt. 7:21


Treatise XII Three Books of Testimonies Against the Jews

“Also according to Matthew: ‘Not every one who saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven'”

Matt. 8:20


Treatise XII Three Books of Testimonies Against the Jews

“Of this same thing in Matthew: ‘The foxes have holes, and the birds of the heaven have nests; but the Son of man hath not where He may lay His head'”

Matt. 8:29


Treatise XII Three Books of Testimonies Against the Jews

“Also in the Gospel according to Matthew: ‘What have we to do with Thee, Thou Son of David?'”

Matt. 10:16


Treatise XII Three Books of Testimonies Against the Jews

“In the Gospel according to Matthew: ‘Be ye prudent as serpents, and simple as doves'”

Matt. 10:37


Treatise XII Three Books of Testimonies Against the Jews

“Also in the Gospel according to Matthew: ‘He that loveth father or mother above me'”

Matt. 12:5


On the Creation of the World

“And in Matthew we read, that it is written Isaiah also and the rest of his colleagues broke the Sabbath”

Matt. 12:17


Commentary on John Book I

“‘ That it is Christ about whom such prophecies are made, Matthew shows in his Gospel”

Matt. 12:30


Treatise XII Three Books of Testimonies Against the Jews

“Also in the Gospel according to Matthew: ‘He that is not with me is against me'”

Matt. 14:31


Treatise XII Three Books of Testimonies Against the Jews

“Also in the Gospel according to Matthew: ‘O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?'”

Matt. 17:1


Commentary on Matthew Book XII

“‘ according to Matthew and Mark”

Matt. 17:5


Treatise XII Three Books of Testimonies Against the Jews

“Likewise in the Gospel according to Matthew: ‘And behold a voice out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye Him'”

Matt. 17:27


Commentary on Matthew Book XIII

“Matthew then, I think, wishing to make this plain, has subjoined to the words ‘that take’-the stater, to-wit-‘and give auto them for thee and me'”

Matt. 19:11


Treatise XII Three Books of Testimonies Against the Jews

“Of this same thing in the Gospel according to Matthew: ‘All men do not receive the word, but they to whom it is given'”

Matt. 23:6


Treatise XII Three Books of Testimonies Against the Jews

“Also in the Gospel according to Matthew: ‘They love the first place of reclining at feasts'”

Matt. 9:9


On Idolatry

“while Matthew is roused up from the toll-booth”

Matt. 24:37


Commentary on Matthew Book XIII

“So we find it thus said in Matthew, ‘As were the days of Noah so shall also be the coming of the Son of man'”

Matt. 26:39


Treatise XII Three Books of Testimonies Against the Jews

“Of this same matter, according to Matthew: ‘Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not what I will, but what Thou wilt'”

Matt. 26:61


Commentary on John Book X

“It follows from this that the first day is to be called the ‘earthly’ day, and the second the psychical, the resurrection of the Church not having taken place on them. Now the statements of the false witnesses, recorded in the Gospel according to Matthew and Mark”

Matt. 27:3


Against Marcion Book IV

“and appropriated to the purchase of a potter’s field, as narrated in the Gospel of Matthew, were clearly foretold by Jeremiah”






[2] Keener, Craig S. The Gospel of Matthew in the History of Interpretation. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2009, p. 2

[3] Bockmuehl, Markus. Matthew in History: Interpretation, Influence, and Effects. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2018, p. 1

[4] Garland, David E. The Gospel of Matthew and Its Readers: A Historical Introduction to the First Gospel. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2003, p. 9

[5] Hagner, Donald A. Matthew 1-13. Word Biblical Commentary, vol. 33A. Dallas, TX: Word Books, 1993, p. xxv

[6] Garland, D. E. (1993). The Use of the Fourfold Gospel in the Early Church. In The Four Gospels 1992: Festschrift Frans Neirynck (pp. 3-22). Leuven University Press.


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