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المسيا هو عبد يهوه الذى سيضع عليه اثم جميعنا

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بعد ان اتى يسوع واعلن انه المسيا مشتهى الامم وخلاص اسرائيل 
واشعياء النبى قد تنبا عن المسيا بانه سيتالم قبل ان يتمجد وانه عليه سيضع الرب اثم جميعنا وسيخضع لابيه وسينفذ مشيئته
ولكى نضع على اليهود اقوالهم لتكون دلالة عليهم بعد ان رفضوا المسيا ابن الله الحى
اخذوا اليهود يلفقون تفاسير لا تمت بصلة لفهم معلمى اليهود لهذة النبوة المسيانية عن الام المسيا ولكن رجعوا لشروحاتهم القديمة سند ان هذة النبوة المسيانية فى سفر اشعياء تخص المسيا وحده ولا غير مؤكدا فيها بان المسيا هو عبد يهوه الذى سيحمل اثم شعبه وسيسحق بالحزن لاجل معاصينا واثامنا
لنبدا نص نص فى النبوة
4 لكِنَّ أَحْزَانَنَا حَمَلَهَا، وَأَوْجَاعَنَا تَحَمَّلَهَا. وَنَحْنُ حَسِبْنَاهُ مُصَابًا مَضْرُوبًا مِنَ اللهِ وَمَذْلُولاً.

فى التلمود البابلى يقول

… What is his [the Messiah’s] name?—“The School of R. Shila said: His name is Shiloh, for it is written, until Shiloh come. The School of R. Yannai said: His name is Yinnon, for it is written, His name shall endure forever: e’er the sun was, his name is Yinnon.The School of R. Haninah maintained: His name is Haninah, as it is written, Where I will not give you Haninah. Others say: His name is Menahem the son of Hezekiah, for it is written, Because Menahem [‘the comforter’], that would relieve my soul, is far. The Rabbis said: His name is ‘the leper scholar,’ as it is written, Surely he hath born our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him a leper, smitten of God, and afflicted.

Huckel, T. (1998). The Rabbinic Messiah (Is 53:4). Philadelphia: Hananeel House.

5 وَهُوَ مَجْرُوحٌ لأَجْلِ مَعَاصِينَا، مَسْحُوقٌ لأَجْلِ آثَامِنَا. تَأْدِيبُ سَلاَمِنَا عَلَيْهِ، وَبِحُبُرِهِ شُفِينَا.

مدراش رباه
… The fifth interpretation makes it refer to the Messiah. COME HITHER: approach to royal state. AND EAT OF THE BREAD refers to the bread of royalty; AND DIP THY MORSEL IN THE VINEGAR refers to his sufferings, as it is said, But he was wounded because of our transgressions (Isa. LIII, 5).

Huckel, T. (1998). The Rabbinic Messiah (Is 53:5). Philadelphia: Hananeel House.

أَمَّا الرَّبُّ فَسُرَّ بِأَنْ يَسْحَقَهُ بِالْحَزَنِ. إِنْ جَعَلَ نَفْسَهُ ذَبِيحَةَ إِثْمٍ يَرَى نَسْلاً تَطُولُ أَيَّامُهُ، وَمَسَرَّةُ الرَّبِّ بِيَدِهِ تَنْجَحُ.

ترجوم يوناثان للانبياء

It is the will of the Lord to purify and to acquit as innocent the remnant of His people, to cleanse their souls to sin, so that they may see the kingdom of their Messiah, have many sons and daughters, enjoy long life, and observe the Torah of the Lord, prospering according to His will. He shall save them from the servitude of the nations, they shall see the punishment of their enemies and be sated with the spoil of their kings. By his wisdom he shall vindicate the meritorious, in order to bring many to be subservient the meritorious, in order to bring many to be subservient the Torah, and he shall seek forgiveness for their sins. Then I will apportion unto him the spoil of great nations, and he shall divide as spoil the wealth of mighty cities, because he was ready to suffer martyrdom that the rebellious he might subjugate to the Torah. And he shall seek pardon for the sins of many and for his sake the rebellious shall be forgiven.
Huckel, T. (1998). The Rabbinic Messiah (Is 53:10). Philadelphia: Hananeel House.
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