الردود على الشبهات

المسيا الناصرى باقوال اليهود.

يسوع الناصرى
فى سفر زكريا

يقول القديس متى فى انجيله ان مكتوب فى الانبياء انه سيدعى ناصريا وانا ساركز فى سفر زكريا لاثبت ان المسيح دعى حرفيا ” ناصريا ” ومقابلها العبرانى ” الغصن “
يقول الاب متى المسكين فى تفسير انجيل متى
” ولقد وردت فى اشعياء هذة التسمية ولكن تحت اسم ” غصن ” ( ويخرج قضيب من جذع يسى وينبت غصن من اصوله ) كلمة غصن هنا ليست غصنا طبيعيا ولكنه ” نسر “الذى يخرج من اسفل الساق ولا يثمر بسهولة وكلمة نسر بالعبرية ” تنسير ” تحقيرا لطبيعة الغصن وتنطق ” نصر ” والصفة منها ” ناصرى ” وقد شاع هذا اللقب حتى اليوم فالذى يقبل المسيح ويعتمد يعتبر انه ” تنصر ” والمعنى الاصلى انه قد صار تابعا للمسيح الناصرى “[1]

وبالاضافة لما اورده الاب متى عن نبوة اشعياء بخروج الغصن او الناصرى من جذع يسى
ثابت من اقوال اليهود انفسهم بان اسم المسيح سيكون ” الغصن ” اى الناصرى 
3: 8 فاسمع يا يهوشع الكاهن العظيم انت و رفقاؤك الجالسون امامك لانهم رجال اية لاني هانذا اتي بعبدي الغصن

فى ترجوم يوناثان للانبياء يقول

Hear now, O Joshua, the High Priest, you and your companions who sit before you, for they are men worthy of having miracles performed for them: Behold, I bring My servant, the Messiah, who is to be revealed.

6: 12 و كلمه قائلا هكذا قال رب الجنود قائلا هوذا الرجل الغصن اسمهو من مكانه ينبت و يبني هيكل الرب

فى مدراش رباه 

… BECAUSE THE COMFORTER IS FAR FROM ME, EVEN HE THAT SHOULD ******* MY SOUL. What is the name of King Messiah?…R. Joshua b. Levi said: His name is ‘Shoot’; as it is stated, Behold, a man whose name is shoot, and who shall shoot up out of his place, and build the temple of the Lord(Zech. VI, 12)[3]

وفى المدراش على الامثال

… The Messiah has been given seven names, and these are: Yinnon, Our Righteousness, Shoot, Comforter, David, Shiloh, Elijah … Where [in ******ure] is Shoot? In the verse, Behold a man called the Shoot, shall shoot out from the place where he is, and he shall build the Temple of the Lord (Zech. 6:12).

وفى ترجوم يوناثان للانبياء

Say unto him: “Thus says the Lord of Hosts saying: Behold the man whose name is ‘The Messiah.’ He is destined to be revealed and to be anointed, and he shall build the Temple of the Lord”.

اما عن نبوة اشعياء بخروج غصن من اصول يسى هو المسيا
وَيَخْرُجُ قَضِيبٌ مِنْ جِذْعِ يَسَّى، وَيَنْبُتُ غُصْنٌ مِنْ أُصُولِهِ

فى ترجوم يوناثان للانبياء يقول

And a king shall come forth from the sons of Jesse, and the Messiah shall be anointed from among his children’s children. And upon him shall rest the spirit of divine prophecy, the spirit of wisdom and sagacity, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and fear of the Lord. And the lord shall bring him near to the worship of Him. He shall not judge according to the sight of his eyes, not shall he reprove according to the hearing of ears. But he shall judge the poor in truth, and shall reprove in faithfulness for the needy of the people. He shall smite the guilty of the land with the word of his mouth, and with the speech of his lips he shall slay Armilus the wicked. The righteous shall surround him, and the faithful shall be near him.

وفى مدراش رباه

… What is the name of the King Messiah?… ‘Did I not tell you at his coming [the Temple] was destroyed and at his coming it will be rebuilt’? R. Abun said: Why should I learn this from an Arab when there is an explicit text wherein it is stated, And Lebanon shall fall by a mighty one (Isa. X, 34), which is followed by, And there shall come forth a shoot out of the stock of Jesse, and a twig shall grow forth out of his roots (ib. XI, I).

المسيا اسمه ” الغصن ” حسبما قال الانبياء وحسبما كتب اليهود بانفسهم فى كتب الادب اليهودى وتعليقات ربانيون اليهود

[1] تفسير انجيل متى . الاب متى المسكين . صفحة 176

[2]Huckel, Tom: The Rabbinic Messiah. Philadelphia : Hananeel House, 1998, S. Zec 3:8

[3]Huckel, Tom: The Rabbinic Messiah. Philadelphia : Hananeel House, 1998, S. Zec 7:13

[4]Huckel, Tom: The Rabbinic Messiah. Philadelphia : Hananeel House, 1998, S. Zec 7:13

[5]Huckel, Tom: The Rabbinic Messiah. Philadelphia : Hananeel House, 1998, S. Zec 7:13

[6]Huckel, Tom: The Rabbinic Messiah. Philadelphia : Hananeel House, 1998, S. Is 11:2

[7]Huckel, Tom: The Rabbinic Messiah. Philadelphia : Hananeel House, 1998, S. Is 11:1