لماذا تدعوني صالحا؟ – ردود الأباء
![لماذا تدعوني صالحا؟ - ردود الأباء 1 لماذا تدعوني صالحا؟ - ردود الأباء](https://www.difa3iat.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/www.difa3iat.com_-5-1024x703.jpg)
شبهه قديمة لعل اول من استخدمها الاريوسيين فى انكار الالوهة عن يسوع المسيح حينما رد يسوع المسيح على الشاب الغنى وقال له
فَقَالَ لَهُ: «لِمَاذَا تَدْعُوني صَالِحًا؟ لَيْسَ أَحَدٌ صَالِحًا إِلاَّ وَاحِدٌ وَهُوَ الله
شرح القديس يوحنا ذهبى الفم المصدر PG 58:603; NPNF 1 10:387.
Why therefore did Christ reply to him in these words: “No one is good”?Because he considered Jesus a mere man and one of the crowd, and a Jewish teacher. For this reason he spoke as a man to him. For often he answers the hidden thoughts of the questioner, as when he says, “We worship what we know”5 and “If I bear witness of myself, my testimony is not true.”6
Therefore when he says, “No one is good,” he does not say this to show that he is not good; far from it. For he does not say, “Why do you call me good? I am not good” but “No one is good,” that is, no human being. When he says this, he does not mean to exclude men from goodness but to make a comparison with the goodness of God. Therefore he adds, “Except God alone
هكذا ايضا ما قاله القديس كيرلس كبير
Why do you call me good? No one is good except one, God.” You see how Christ proved immediately that the ruler was neither wise nor learned, although he was the ruler of a synagogue of the Jews. He says, “You did not believe that I am God, and the clothing of the flesh has led you astray.
Why did you apply to me titles suitable to the supreme nature alone, while you still assume that I am a mere man like you and not superior to the limits of human nature?” In the nature that transcends all, God alone is found to be good by nature, that is, unchangeably good.… He says, “I do not seem to you to be truly God.
Ignorantly and foolishly, you have applied to me the properties and virtues of the divine nature. Why do you then imagine that I, a mere man that never is invested with goodness but only gains it by the assent of the divine will, have the property of the unchangeable nature?” This was the meaning of what Christ spoke
لماذا تدعوني صالحا؟ – ردود الأباء